Thriving In Chaos

Thriving In Chaos
Can you believe all the chaos that is going on in our world these days?
In Syria more than 250,000 have died in almost five years of war in that country. Eleven Million others have fled their homes as forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad and those opposed to his rule battle each other as well as ISIS militants.
Just Tuesday March 22, this week ISIS had bombed the departures area of Zaventem airport and one on a metro train in Belgium killing 30 people, 230 injured
Libya is being torn apart by political unrest and an unstable and brutal dictator general Khalifa Haftar and Militants sieged.
Back home in Nigeria, the fight between APC and PDP, Army and Boko Haram, Jonathan and Buhari, Biafara saga, Fulana Cattle Herders Cum Farmer's Melady, EFCC, Subsidy, Fuel Scarcity, Increase in Dollar and Decline of Naira, Unemployment, Inflation and Hardship, Bloody Politics in Rivers, leading to the death of a National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) member, Okonta Samuel, an orphan from Illah area of Delta state.
Not only do we see these chaotic episodes, but people all over are thrust into chaos. Just a few days ago two families in our church are facing the chaos of a death in the family. I know people who are experiencing financial chaos, relational chaos, medical chaos, and chaos at work, school, home, and even internally dealing with those inner feelings of anger, insecurity, loneliness, and stress.
The truth is chaos is part of life. Someone once said ‘life is one chaotic adventure after another.’ So with all this pandemonium around us, how do we cope? How do we navigate through all this and remain in some semblance of peace and more than just survival? How do we thrive in chaos?
Now, I will not pretend that there is some quick answer to this, but I do know where to start. One of the best things that helps us as live this chaotic adventure called life is to have someone who can relate to us. You know, someone who has been there, been through it, knows what you are feeling.
We do have One who can relate to us, One who can identify with what we have or are going through.
Hebrews 4:15 For we do not have a high priest (Jesus) who is unable to sympathize with our infirmities, but we have One who has been tempted in every way, just as we are– yet was without sin.
That is huge! All of who Jesus is and has been through let’s us understand He knows our life. I came across a video from a creative Christian speaker, J. John, who took a few of the names of Jesus and related them to some of our walks of life. Here is some of what he said and I added a few of my own.
1. Jesus is the Bread of Life so Bakers could understand.
2. Jesus is the Water of Life so Plumbers could understand.
3. Jesus is the Light of the World so Electricians could understand.
4. Jesus is the Corner Stone so Architects could understand.
5. Jesus is the Bright and Morning Star so Astronomers could understand.
6. Jesus is the Hidden Treasure so Bankers could understand.
7. Jesus is the Life so Biologist could understand.
8. Jesus is the Door so Carpenters could understand.
9. Jesus is the Great Physician so Nurses and Doctors could understand.
10. Jesus is the Good Teacher so Educators could understand.
11. Jesus is the Lyly of the Valley so florists could understand.
12. Jesus is the Rock of Ages so Geologists could understand.
13. Jesus is the True Vine so Horticulturists could understand.
14. Jesus is the Righteous One so Judges could understand.
15. Jesus is the Purl of Great Price so Jewelers could understand.
16. Jesus is Wisdom so Philosophers could understand.
17. Jesus is the Word so Actors could understand.
18. Jesus is the Good Shepherd so farmers could understand.
19. Jesus is the Alpha and Omega so Scientists could understand.
20.  Jesus is the Way so Mapmakers could understand.
21. Jesus is the Truth so Politicians could understand.
22. Jesus is the Redeemer so Recyclers could understand.
23. Jesus is the Wonderful Counsellor so Psychologists could understand.
24. Jesus is the great supplier so Industrialist could understand
25. Jesus is the good news so Journalist could understand.
26. Jesus is the Image of God so photographers could understand.
27. Jesus is the Author and the Finisher of our faith so Publishers could understand
And we could take any of the other names for Jesus and show that Jesus is the One who can relate to any and all people. He not only speaks our life language, but has been through much of the same chaos you and I have been through or will go through. That’s so we would do what the next verse in Hebrews 4 says…
Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
I don’t know what personal chaos you are in the midst of or will go through, but I do know you will. It is a part of this chaotic adventure called life. When it hits, get help, don’t be alone and for sure draw near to Jesus as best as you know how. It’s not a magic fix and it will take great effort, and you may not feel better, but you will not just survive, you will thrive.
Jesus is not some distant deity, but our Saviour and Lord who longs for us to draw near to Him. Chaos or not, life is better knowing Jesus. Why not seek to get closer to Him.
Hebrews 13:5 ".... he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
6 So that you may boldly say,
The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear..."
Happy Easter.

Assassinate The Assassin! - 4

Assassinate The Assassin! - 4
In the last three weeks we have mesmerised the thief "procrastination" and to sum it up I would be ditching you some practical proven Best Ways to Beat Procrastination. "Procrastination is opportunity's assassin." Therefore, you must read this to know how to stop this secret assassin that has assassinated many economic,  political and spiritual giants! These powerful principles foster productivity and perseverance instead of passivity and procrastination.
1. Plan and Prioritize Your Daily Schedules. Draw a practical timetable to guide you through your daily activities. Write CLEARLY what you intend to do at a particular time.  Clarity is the most important element of productivity. You should arrange your schedule in orders of their important so that if eventually you are not able to accomplish all, the less important we be postpone.

2. Concentrate. Focus on one thing at a time. Deal with distractions by letting telephone calls go into voicemail, hanging a "Do Not Disturb" sign outside your door etc.
3. Avoid Things That Make You Tired. The predominant reason why people put off tasks is that they are too tired. So get sufficient sleep and exercise and eat right. Most of all, pursue important task when energy levels are high; you'll accomplish them easily and quickly. That lead us to point
4. Break Important Task Into Segments: Break It Down. No matter what you're trying to accomplish, whether it's writing a book, climbing a mountain or painting a house, the key to achievement is your ability to break down the task into manageable pieces and knock them off one at one time. Focus on accomplishing what's right in front of you at this moment. Ignore what's off in the distance someplace. Substitute real-time positive thinking for negative future visualization.
5. Procrastinate By Working. When you find yourself procrastinating, allow yourself to procrastinate by engaging in another segment of work that you had earlier postponed.
6. You Got To Separate Work From Play. Woking makes you work more; playing makes you play more. As a person I like play. Oh! Yes I play a lot, in fact I also play on words. But when is time to work God has given me wisdom to strike a balance. I can boostfully say Benson Adima is a big time 'Hard-Worker', probably that was why I was able to won the 'Best Teacher Of The Year' in about three schools I had taught so far. When it comes to beat deadline you could count on me. There is something that pushes me to work, you may call it 'Motivation'.
7.  Think You Can. The more doubtful you are, the lesser your motivation. As a general rule, it's best to be your own number one fan.
8. Keep A Diary Of Your Daily Activities. And you're going to be amazed by the distractions, detours and downright wastes of time you engage in during the course of a day. All of these get in the way of achieving your goals. For many people, it's almost like they planned it that way, and maybe at some unconscious level they did. The great thing about keeping a time diary is that it brings all this out in the open. It forces you to see what you're actually doing—and what you're not doing.
Benson Adima remains your in-house Motivational Speaker with Skyhigh Motivational. Farewell For Now.

Kill The Greatest Thief Now! - 3

Kill The Greatest Thief Now! - 3
“The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their; strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away”. - Psalm 90:10.
You’ll recall that Moses was already 80years old when God called him to go and lead the children of Israel out of the land of captivity.  He knew however that the average lifespan of man should be 70 or at most 80.  And he understood that it was on the basis of God’s grace and mercy that he was given such task at that age.  He was aware that he was living on borrowed time.  And that was why he prayed to God “so teach us to number our days, that we may apply our heart unto wisdom”.
Like Moses, we ought to realize that our time on earth is borrowed and very short we may not realize how short it is; but we must understand that the wheels of nature are not made to roll backwards.
Everything presses on and on towards the end of our lives on earth.  We must be aware that there’s a limited time before us and time press us toward that sure days.  Thus we must profitably invest the limited time we have at our disposal.  Time waits for nobody.  Someone rightly said “you may delay, but time will not”.
Many times people spend time waiting for opportunities that may never come instead of rising up and making the best of the time and favour abilities they have available.

D. L. Moody, by his own confession made this mistake.  And it was a mistake he determined never to repeat.  He had been preaching in the city of Chicago, and that particular night drew his largest audience yet, His message was “what will you do then with Jesus who is called the Christ”.  Toward the end of the sermon, he began to feel very tired.  He therefore concluded with this statement: “Now  I give you a week to think that over.  And when we come together again, you will have opportunity to respond”.
After that, soloist began to sing.  But before the final note, the music was drowned out by clanging bells and wailing sirens screaming through the streets.  The great Chicago Fire had begun!  In the ghastly aftermath hundreds were dead and over a hundred thousand were homeless.
Undoubtedly, some who heard Moody’s message had died in the fire.  He reflected remorsefully that he would have given his right arm before he would ever give an audience another week to think over the message of the gospel.
This should open our eyes to the danger of delay and need to do all that we can for ourselves and our fellow men while till we may.  Learn from teacher: "it is natural that men extremely tired at the edge of their showcase". "I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day! the night cometh, when no man can work” - Jesus.
Procrastination Is The Thief Of Time. Kill It!

Kill The Greatest Thief Now! - 2

Kill The Greatest Thief Now! - 2
It was Edward Young who wrote: "Procrastination is the thief of time." But Dr Chris Kwakpovwe called it the "BOMBER OF DREAMS." It comes like a big bomb exploding violently on our personal goals. After the explosion, all that is left is...regret. According to researchers almost everyone procrastinate, and up to 20% of us do so as a habit. Unfortunately, putting things off - besides making us less productive - also creates future stress. So, the reason for these series is to make sure that your plan for 2016 is not swallowed up by the "DEMON" called procrastination. I call it 'Demon' because it creeps into ones life like a comforter, but it becomes the consumer of your goals!
James 4:13 ..., ye that say, tomorrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: 14 whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
Learn from this Spanish Proverb: "Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week." Why clog it with more activities? No wonder, George Claude said: "Putting off an easy thing makes it hard, putting off a hard thing makes it impossible." If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it. A year from now you may wish you had started today.
Years ago when I sought admission to University, I was living Under a stairway with little or no income to bank-on but after I took the bold step. God used different men and women to aided me. Thank God I didn't procrastinates that decision.
Stop thinking too long about doing a thing! Rather have a motto of DO IT NOW.
“Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.” - Sam Levenson.
Oh, behold the fireworks from Benson Adima: "There will always be morrow but today is your day. Seize it!"

kill The Greatest Thief Now! 1

Kill The Greatest Thief Now!
In the next three weeks I would be discussing the Thief "Procrastination".
Procrastination is postponing what you are supposed to do now to a future date and it has pulled down many economic giants and killed many great dreams. “How time flies”.  And as if to buttress this, one of the greatest thinkers in history once advised, “know the true value of time, snatch, seize and enjoy every moment of it.  No idleness, no delay, no procrastination and never put off till tomorrow what you can do today”.
The rich man in Luke 12:16-21 was chained by the 'demon' called 'Procrastination'. See what he said in vs 19 - "And I will say to my soul, soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; .... He was so sure of many years! Like many people also have many weeks, many days, many hours and many seconds, in their dictionary. They postponed everything to moro or future. But God told the rich man in vs. 20 "Thou fool, this nite thy soul shall be required of thee.
Look, God is particular about this month, this week, this day, this hour and this second not tomorrow! Hear Charles Kingsley "Every duty which is bidden to wait, returns with seven fresh duties at its back." Close with Jimmy Lyons "Tomorrow is the only day in the year that appeals to a lazy man." Don't be that man! Don't wait! Always do it now by force.
Pr 27:1 says: "Boast not thyself of moro; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth."

Farewell For Now Till I Come Your Way Again, 'Success Breath' Remains Your Handy Motivational Segment.


 SUCCESS BREATH WITH BENSON ADIMA Breathing Life into Your Dreams In the bustling heart of Lagos, where millions chase their dreams amidst t...