Charity Of Purpose

Success in life will not fall like a ripe Mango fruit on your laps there are setting practical requirement and responsibilities you are expected to meet and carry out before you can have it.
While garnering my thought toward writing this edition, I open our company e-mail only to discover someone had pre-empty my mind by asking a question “what make successful people successful?'
As an advocate of success and with my experience on motivational speaking; I have come to discover that success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals. The principles of course and effect say “if you do what other successful people do, you must get the results that other successful people get”. The results we achieve in life are combination of what we do or what we fail to do. The principle and law of success are the same anywhere in the universe. They have no respect for gender, environment, background, certificate or any prejudice. For example when a farmer sows, a harvest is certain. So the first principle of success we will discus is: CHARITY OF PURPOSE The greatest discovery in human history is that ‘you become what you think about most of the time’.  The two facts that more than anything else that determine what happens to you in life are what you think about and what you do with the product of your thinking. A person with a clear purpose will make progress on even the roughest road, while a person with no purpose will make no progress on even the smallest road. Until you have a clear picture of where you are going, you are not likely to get there. Purpose precedes prayer, passion and action; so that you don’t spend all your energies in the wrong direction and having arrived at a destination you discover it was the direct opposite of the road you should have traveled. Not many a people can define accurately, what they want out of life, so they live in other people’s expectation of them. Martin Luther King Jr. said “if a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live. Abandon yourself to destiny.
Nathaniel Emmons said ‘one principle reason why men are so often useless is that they neglect their own profession or calling and divide and shift their attention among multitudes of object and pursue’
John Mason in his book conquering the enemy called average said “There are too many people in too many cars, in too much of hurry, going to many directions, to get nowhere for nothing.
Tim Redmond said “Don’t be a jack of all trades and a master of none”. Instead be like Paul in the historical Bible who wrote "this one thing I do …… I press towards the mark”. What you set your heart on will determine how you will spend your life. Carl Sanberg said "there are people who want to be everywhere at once and they get nowhere”.
How can you get what you want? William Locke answered, “I can tell how to get what you want; you just got to keep a thing in view and go for it, and never let your eyes wonder to the right or left or up or down. And looking back is fatal”. Walt Disney was successful simply because and according to him “I love Mickey mouse more than any woman I have ever known” that is focus – follow one course until successful. Disney attempted to join military service in 1918 he fail; His company Laugh – O- Grams went bankrupt, instead of giving up, Walt packed his suit case and with his unfinished print of the Alice comedies in hand, headed for Hollywood to start a new business, there he fails four times. But today Walt created Mickey mouse, the world most famous carton character. Also Disneyland Park is one of the biggest tourist attractions on the globe. Just a small mouse inspired him. Look! If nothing is pulling you forward, the forces that are pulling you backward will prevailed.
Vic Braden said, “Loser has tons of variety. Champions take pride in just learning to hit the same old boring winners” I strongly believe you will find full happiness when you are in a position of going somewhere wholeheartedly, in one direction without regret or reservation. Do what you do while you are doing it. The more complicated you are, the more ineffective you will become.
Mark Twain said “Behold the fool said ‘put not all thy eggs in one basket’ which is but a manner of saying, ‘separate your money and your attention.’ But a wise man said, ‘put all your eggs in one basket and – watch that basket”. The quickest way to do many things is to do only one thing at a time. The only one who will be remembered is those who do one thing superbly well. Don’t be like the man who said ‘I’m focused; it’s just on something else. Many people have channeled their energies in living for their society, others live for their organizations, and some for their families and many for what to eat and drink but it’s a pity the stomach is never satisfied. You must make it habit of having a clear purpose, direction, mission and vision of what is expected of you before you can become successful.
Around 1959, Fidel Castro appeared in Havana, the capital of Cuba, with his ragtag army from the rural areas of that island. World leader at the time mocked and ridiculed him. But he overthrew the ruling power in Havana and installed himself as the director of Cuba. Forty-four years later, the great might of the United States government still has been unable to dislodge Castro; neither has anyone been able to stop Castro from exporting his brand of communism into Africa and into the rest of the world. A small Island republic was single–handedly brought into international prominence by the determination and tenacity of one individual – Fidel Castro. He did it largely by being single-minded.
Friends! If you desire to succeed in this life and leave your mark or influence, you must be single-minded. I mean if trans-generational success is your anchor you must learn to pursue one course wholeheartedly until successful. You will succeed!
I rImain Benson Adima your in-house success advocate Farewell for now, till next edition, it promises to be richer and impactful than what you have ever read. Don’t miss it!

Think On A Higher Plane

Henry Ford (1863-1947) once said, "thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few people engage in it." Today I would like to share some thoughts with you on the important subject of "thinking" and I've titled this column "Thinking On A Higher Plane." In the Bible you will find these words recorded in Proverbs 23:7a, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." The Roman Emperor Marcus Arelius once said, "A man becomes what he thinks about all day long." Back in 1957, the late Earl Nightingale wrote and recorded a motivational message titled "The Strangest Secret", which became the only one of its kind to ever sell a million copies. The Strangest Secret is that "We Become What We Think About."
Yes, from King Solomon on down through the ages, the most successful writers, teachers and philosophers have all come to the same conclusion: It is the quality of our thinking that will ultimately determine the quality of our life. At this point, it might be in order to ask you some very pertinent questions. What do you think about most of the time? Is most of your thinking done on a higher plane? That is, do you reach for the stars in your thinking or is most of your thinking done in the gutter? The truth is, we have only to look about us to see where we are and to see what we have to see the fruits of our thinking.

For fear that I may be misunderstood, I want to make it very clear that we don't have to be a religious person to desire a good, decent, honest and moral life. Sometimes we forget that the greatest have as citizens of this free country is the power to choose. Regardless of who we are or what we have done in the past, we can choose the quality or level of our own thinking. Isn't it great to be able to say, "the past is gone" and I can't do anything about it but from this point forward I'm going to improve my life by improving the quality of my thinking? As I said a moment ago, the choice is yours. What is so tragic for me to realize is that millions of people could have more and be much happier if they only knew it.

While its an individual thing, you may ask, "how do I go about it?" While it's not easy, it's very simple. Station a guard at the entrance of your mind. You must be very careful when you select the television programs you watch, the books and magazines you read and the people with whom you associate. In short, if we are to improve the quality of our thinking, we must be very selective as to where we get our information.

It took several years for me to come to the realization that if I'm going to improve my life, when a filthy program comes on T.V., or even the radio, I just turn it off. Its a choice I make because I now realize what it will do to my thinking. How about you? Have you ever given any serious thought to this before? Remember please that "birds of a feather flock together" and you may have people tell you that it does not make any difference what you watch or read or who you spend your time with. But it does. We can trust the words of King Solomon here: "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he."
 Jim Davidson is very instrumental " I don't believe in predestined fate. The future is what we chose to create.

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