The Road To Success 2

Nugget; “The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure, a loop called Confusion, speed bumps called Friends, red lights called Enemies, caution lights called Family. You will have flats called Jobs. But, if you have a spare called Determination, an engine called Perseverance, insurance called Faith, you will make it to a place called Success."- Bro. Emil Andrew dela Rosa. Success is the thing that is sought by all people and it is the completion of anything intended, in other words success is finishing what you planned to do.

People are asking, what is the road to success? There are no direct answers to this question; because success has many different factors determine how an individual will be up for success. Laing Burns, Jr. said "Success often comes to those who have the aptitude to see way down the road." Benson Adima, “In order to achieve success, there are some methods and skills to achieve success, first set your goal, second develop yourself and explore your abilities, third organize your time and self-management”.
Everyone must have purpose for his life, so first of all a method and skill to achieve success is to setting your goal. In order to determine the goals that matter to you, and you will use in your plan, make a list of everything you wish or dream to achieve in various areas of your life thought this dream whatever small or large and type it on paper. Writing all your goals on paper at this stage will expand the horizon of your thinking, so do not try thinking and how you will achieve these goals; because thinking will reduce and limit your belief in your ability to achieve them.
Listen, when you write a list of your goals you will start to see new opportunities in life were not see before, and you will find yourself attracted to these opportunities.  It's important to plan for each goal so focus on what you really want to accomplish and the reasons why you need to accomplish them and list your goals through prioritization, also, focus on the different areas of your life and do not allow fear to stand in your way. Do not focus on your goals at the same time and try to separate them and do each one alone .first, do the most important one and then do the next.

Moreover, determine your ability to achieve your goals and ask yourself if you are able to make commitment to the goals you set for yourself no matter what kind of goals? So don't write goals and you can't do it or you don't have ability to do it. Sometimes you will notice that you will not achieve the goal the way that you planned. And at times you'll find that your experience for some creative plans and the actual moment of taking some steps lead you in directions never imagined before, and are often greater and more successful than those that you put it in your plans. This is because the plans were based on the current ability and the ability change over time.  Also, it's important to do your best to follow your goals. Because whenever you see your goal in front of you and you feel that it negotiable to achieve and be realistic, you will persevere to achieve and move away from the postponement. Experts say that "the more you feel that your goal is real; it could increase the likelihood of success in achieving this goal."

In addition, explore your abilities and develop yourself is one more method to achieve success. To discover your abilities, ask yourself I am strong in what? What is my strength and what are my skills? What I concentrate upon? How do I increase my abilities? Furthermore, you must read and learn and develop yourself always and never. Learn about yourself and your abilities and learn from life. Also, applied what you learned, so you will not bring new information only if you applied the old, and also you cannot be treated yourself, unless you learn from your attitude. The purpose of the knowing the weaknesses are not to induce misery or frustration, but it opens the door for a great deal of awareness and improvement. So, don't shy away from weaknesses. Instead, look at things objectively, recognize and admit weaknesses and make conscious decisions on what to do about them.
Besides, the more self confidence you have, the more likely it is you'll succeed .So, you should have Self-confidence. Although many of the factors affecting self confidence are outside your control, there are a number of things you can do to build self confidence like focus on contribution, work out, speak up, compliment other people and sit in the front row and many other ways.
Therefore, you should be Persistent and ambitious as you want. Renewal and creativity go hand in hand, which are essential to every person, like the daily routine boring absorbs the energy and enthusiasm of the person; therefore, you have to renew your life, you will find that successful are keen to develop yourself through several ways, and are keen to develop your methods to achieve what you want.

Another method and skill to achieve success is organizing your time and self-management. It is mean ways by which one had to make the most of his time in achieving its objectives and create a balance in his life between obligations and desires and goals. Therefore, we must develop a plan to become a time management easy and accessible. You should familiarize yourself with the comparison between the priorities, because the opportunities and obligations may at the same time brings, which one would you choose? In short, choose what it deems useful to you in your future at the same time is not harmful to others.

 Furthermore, you can use of your leisure time by many ways such as reading magazine articles or some books, review your list of goals, break out your notebook and start develop list of ideas for what you want to do, get prepared for your next task and certainly do not forget to take some time for yourself to relax and make yourself ready to work again. Also, focus and do not confuse your mind in more than one direction, if you take this advice and applied it, you'll find a lot of time to do other things more important and urgent. Manage your time, by draw up a daily schedule, where you should write the things you plan doing that particular day. Try to pick realistic time plans for those things and live an extra error margin, just not too big. Remember to, draw up a weekly schedule, and put the necessary targets first, as self-development objectives through courses or reading, or family goals like go out to trip. Besides, use modern techniques to seize opportunities and achieve success, as well as to organize and saves your time such as the Internet, computer and other.
To draw the curtain, the above discussed methods and skills that will help you to achieve success by setting goal and achieving them effectively and efficiently, and staying focused by prioritizing your main aims. Also, help you exploring your capabilities and develop yourself through reading and learning and many other ways, and help to organize your time and self-management. Thus, the road to success has many difficulties and bumps, but you are able to continue it with determination and resolve. And you can be a successful individual in life by following a systematic and simple lifestyle.

Farewell till we comes your way again.  

The Road To Success

The road to success is paved with sacrifices and determination.

Along the road, you will face may stumbling blocks, twists, and turns. You may never know how far the road will take you. Or is it just around the corner?
Your journey along the road will be determined by faith, hard work, belief, courage, and above all persistence.
Your willingness to take chances and fail only to get up and try again and again.
Along the way, you may face fear, doubts, unfairness, and setbacks.

I promise you. When you succeed and overcome all the obstacles, there is no greater joy than making your dream come true.

"The road to success is not straight. There is a curb called Failure, a loop called Confusion; speed bumps called Friends; red lights called Enemies; caution lights called Family. You will have flats tyre called jobs. But, if you have a spare called Determination; an engine called Perseverance; insurance called Faith, and a driver called Jesus, you will make it to a place called Success!!" - Unknown

Because success lies in the acquisition of knowledge, success is an ultimate demonstration of resilience. And each & every success is built on the ability to do better than good enough. Success is failure turned inside out the silver tint of the clouds of doubts.
The path to success is not always easy for any, for it is filled with bushes, thorns and snakes. Throughout it may be slippery-you may fall easily, it might be a dauntingly uphill path that may tire you out and make you want to retreat.
But if you stay closer to your focus, you shall make it to a place success. I said u shall make it to a place called "success"

Depending on whom you ask, success means different things. If you were to ask me, I'd say it means having a career that revolves around my real life. If you were to ask my younger sister, she'd say it involves finding a way to mobilize money and build a designers outlet. The first step in achieving success is often deciding what it means to you.
Chances are your answer is similar to mine.
But whatever your version of success, people who want to be successful should mimic the behaviors of the great ones who came before them. These behaviors include:

Follow your talents. It's helpful to be passionate about your pursuits, but passion without talent is like a car without a full tank of gas -- it won't get you as far as you want to go. The book 'The Element' discusses this: no matter what you are good at -- whether it's writing, drawing, computer coding or motivational speaking -- focus on that area and keep pursuing it. Everyone has a gift, so find yours and put in the time to make yourself better at it.

Focus your quest. In this day and age, the quest for greatness in one area has taken a backseat to the concept of universal genius, or the ability to accomplish greatness in many areas. While a nice notion, this quest for universal genius is one that is destined to fail. The reason is simple: no one can be the best at everything. Even in areas that are related, it's often impossible to find an equally great level of success. So the road to success for some can be this simple: focus your quest on one big goal, and remember that a jack-of-all-trades is usually a master of none.
Limit your options. "Keep your options open" almost seems to be our country's anthem; I wouldn't be surprised if it's someday etched on the national currency. Our affinity for keeping options open unfortunately leads us to limit ourselves because it paves a road to mediocrity, rather than one to success.
Think about it this way: the person who goes to college knowing a job is waiting for them if they fail will never work as hard as the person whose only chance at success relies on their academic record. By limiting your options, you go all in, and force yourself to give your utmost effort to achieve a goal. Having a security blanket is important, so creating a backup plan can be worthwhile. However, making a commitment to one path or goal can also lead you to try harder -- and potentially be more successful in your efforts.

Work toward meaningful goals. In Stephen Covey's book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Covey researched the difference between the average person and the extraordinary person. He found that those who were able to achieve greatly understood the difference between efficiency and effectiveness.
Most people are obsessed with efficiency, which leads them to work towards goals that are meaningless, empty or simply unimportant. Effectiveness, on the other hand, is not about getting as much done as possible in a limited amount of time; rather, it's about getting things accomplished that matter. Sending out 100 emails in an hour may be efficient, but it's only effective if those emails are going to help you reach your goal. If they're not, skip them (and avoid carpal tunnel in the process).

Never give up. If you are 5 foot 3 inches, slow and have a vertical leap that involves negative numbers, giving up on your goal to make the MBA is probably a smart move. But if you have a goal that is achievable through actual talent and hard work, don't give up -- ever. You will make mistakes, and you will fail. So keep practicing, learning, accepting rejection and trying again.
The vast majority of successful people were also huge failures at one point in their lives: Walt Disney went bankrupt, Benjamin Franklin dropped out of school at age 10 and Theodor Geisel (better known as Dr. Seuss) had his first book rejected by 27 publishers. Success comes from hard work, resilience and determination. No one gets it for free ... unless, of course, you're a Kardashian.

Farewell Till We Come Your Way Again, Benson Adima Remains Your In-house Advocate Of Success.

Success Is For All.

Success is for all, nobody has the monopoly of success, it has no geographical boundary, no matter how old you are, where you’re from or what you do for a living, we all share something in common—a desire to be successful. Each person’s definition of success is different, however, as some may define success as being a loving and faithful spouse or a caring and responsible parent, while most people would equate success with wealth, fame, and power.
We all want to achieve success so we could live a comfortable life—have financial freedom, drive a nice car, and live in a beautiful house. However, although success can be achieved, it does not come easy.
Surprisingly there are five factors to success that are free and there are Time, Talent, Idea, Information and Integrity.
Time: time is our most precious treasure because it is LIMITED. Time is the currency of life and should be appreciated. If u waste time u can be labelled as a murderer because you are wasting life. People usually say time is money but they are wrong, because time wasted is not money but time invested is. Nowadays Nigerian youths spend hours speculating about matches to be played in Europe forgetting that it is another man’s business instead of investing meaningfully on their own time. Everybody on time have same twenty-four hours each day your input will determine your output from it. You cannot manage time but utilize time, the rich use money to buy time but the poor waste time to save money. To be successful in life one has to invest and utilize time properly.  
Talent: talent is a natural endowment, A marked innate ability inherent in everyone that need to be discovered, harnessed in other to use maximally. Nobody pay for a talent but people exchange skill for values. Harnessed talents become skills.
The major problem we have is that in this part of the world we usually discover our own talents at the age of forty. Don’t wait for your pension to follow your passion. Talent is anything you are ready to do even without being paid and you drive joy in it. Success is always doing what you know how to do best and love doing it, that’s talent.
Idea: idea rules the world. Idea is about making your own contribution; it could be in improving, advancing what is in existence. For example, hand microphone and clip microphone.
The whole essence of education is to see a problem and solve it, ideas put problems to rest. After a while a solution can equally become a problem example, old and new generation computers. When it comes to being successful in life one needs to drop the paper called certificate and put on your thinking cap that’s the world of ideas if there is no job you can create one. You should be a trouble shooter not a trouble maker.  If you have ideas, you have the main asset you need, and there isn't any limit to what you can do with your business and your life.
Information: success is learning something new each day, learning is synonymous to earning. There is no difference from He that cannot read and He that does not read. The Bible says my people perish for lack of knowledge, the Quran says He that knows and he that don’t know are not the same. Sometimes in this part of the world our problem is knowing so much without application. For you to be successful one need to apply the knowledge own for a positive yield.
Integrity: integrity is doing the right thing even when nobody is looking at you. Integrity is very important if you have integrity you will dine with the kings but if you lack integrity you have close doors of opportunities. Don’t compromise if you want to be successful in life because you don’t know when and where your name will be mentioned and because of your compromise you will miss the opportunity. Don’t let what you are doing to today tarnish your future have this laid up in your mind if I cannot beat them I cannot join them.
Attitude: Your attitude will determine altitude. A bad attitude can literally block love, blessings and destiny from finding you. Don’t be the reason you don’t succeed.
Listen to how Roy Bennett puts it "You Are the Master of Your Attitude, you cannot control what happens to you, but you can control the way you think about all the events. You always have a choice. You can choose to face them with a positive mental attitude".
Farewell till we come your way again, Benson Adima remains Advocate Of Success.

Success Is A Process.

The first step toward success is deciding what you really want to achieve in your life. When you decide exactly what you want, the how to do it will emerge. When Your Heart Decides The Destination, Your Mind Will Design The Map To Reach It.
Success is not automatic. Success is a process...the product of seasons. Success is a systematic approach that involves simple, fundamental steps. Successful do not become success in the ring; They are merely recognized in the ring. Their becoming their daily routine.
Do you have a Dream? Have you written it down? Have you documented your goals in detail on paper? That may seem trite, but how would you know where to go without a plan? A Plan Is A Written Map To Your Future. Success has a beginning. Losers Focus On What They Are Going Through; Champions Focus On What They Are Going To.
Champions are not born...they become. Champions learn through success and failure...what to ignore and what to pursue. Champions decide what to magnify...and what to minimize. They learn how to focus on Tomorrow instead of Yesterday...possibilities instead of pain. Champions Make Decisions That Create The Future They Desire; Losers Make Decisions That Create The Present They Desire.
Stay in the center of your expertise. What do you love to do? What do you love to talk about? What would you rather hear about than anything else on earth? What would you do with your life if money were not a factor? You Will Only Have Significant Success With Something That Is An Obsession.
Friend, Your joy is determined by doing what  you love. For a case study: Jesus perceived His destiny. Jesus knew where He wanted to go. Jesus knew the people who needed Him...what they needed and how to reach them. Jesus understood the dominant divine product of every immediate moment. Champions always reach for the best in life...and refuse to settle for less. Champions stand out from the crowd...and will not accept mediocrity. Champions Are Willing To Walk Away From Something They Desire To Protect Something Else They Love.
Jesus knew His mission. He never wavered from His focus. I really believe that broken focus is the reason men fail. Some people take jobs because they are convenient or close to their home. A teacher once recounted "One man told me he had spent his entire life working on a job that made him miserable. "Then why have you worked there for 25 years?" I asked. He replied, "It is only 10 minutes from my house, and in 3 years I will receive a gold watch. I do not want to leave too early and miss my gold watch.""
Are you fighting disappointment? My book, 'Awaking The Champion In You' is coming soon. If the Candle of Hope is dim, this article is for you.
Farewell, still I come you way again, Benson Adima remains your in-house Motivational Speaker.

7 best pieces of advice I can give you about money

mad fientist retire early 1
In August, Brandon - a former software developer who doesn't use his last name online for privacy reasons - achieved financial independence and retired at age 34. Today, he writes about money and his own financial journey on his blog the Mad Fientist. Here are his seven best pieces of money advice.

1. Figure out what makes you happy

The first and most important thing you need to do is figure out what is truly important to you and what makes you happy.
This is actually a lot harder than it sounds.
So many people spend money on things that don't add to their happiness and most don't even know they're doing it because they're caught up following the same life script as everyone else.
You don't have to buy a new house just because that's what all your friends are doing, and you don't have to get a fancy new car to impress your colleagues.
You have the power to do anything you want with your life, so don't live someone else's dream. Instead, figure out the life you want to have and then save and spend accordingly.
When I realized that money could buy my freedom - freedom from the 9-to-5, freedom from alarm clocks, freedom from wasting my time on my boss's ridiculous requests - I diverted all of my money toward that goal.
I didn't miss the things I was "giving up" to save for financial independence because my freedom was more important than anything else I could buy.

2. Focus on what you can control

Rather than stress about what's happening in the economy or attempt to predict what the stock market is going to do, instead focus on the things that are within your control and optimize those things.
Investment fees can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars over your investing lifetime, so minimize those fees by investing in low-cost index funds.
Reduce risk and volatility by simply buying all the stocks in the market via a total stock market index fund like Vanguard's VTSAX.
Minimize your taxes (and thus increase the amount you can invest) by taking advantage of tax-advantaged accounts like 401(k)s, IRAs, and HSAs and by using other legal tax-avoidance strategies.

3. Automate everything

Once you've created a simple portfolio of low-cost, diversified index funds and are taking advantage of all the tax-advantaged accounts available to you, set up automated monthly investments and then ignore your portfolio completely.
Humans are terrible investors, so if you can take your brain and emotions out of it, you'll not only be less stressed during the inevitable market drops but you'll also end up with a lot more money.

4. Stop consuming; start creating

Consuming provides temporary happiness but creating provides lasting happiness.
It's easy to come home from work and consume four hours of television, but it's much harder to do something creative like write a blog post, make some jewelry, or practice a musical instrument. Creating is more rewarding than consuming though and can even result in additional income.
When you're on your deathbed, you're not going to look back with pride at the number of hours of Facebook surfing you did or the number of episodes of "Real Housewives" you watched, but you will feel proud of the things you created and put out into the world.

5. Throw your TV out the window

Speaking of your TV, throw it out the window. Or better yet, sell it on Craigslist.
When advertisers constantly bombard you with things you "need to have," you become less happy with what you do have and are more likely to spend money (on things that won't make you any happier).
solo travel city backpackPexels
When news reporters show you all the gruesome things happening, all in 4K-super-realistic HD, you become more fearful and less willing to get out and explore the world that is now more accessible than ever.
Don't melt into a puddle of fear and unhappiness on your couch and instead go actually live life.

6. Travel to other countries

Thanks to the advertisers mentioned above, Americans perception of what is "normal" is so ridiculously skewed that it usually takes traveling outside of the US to recalibrate yourself.
If you're struggling with your spending and feel like you need more shiny things to be happy, travel to pretty much anywhere else in the world, and you'll start to appreciate the ridiculous luxury you take for granted.

7. Experiment

Finally, experiment with your spending.
As I mentioned at the beginning, it's really hard to figure out what makes you happy.
The things that add to your happiness today may not tomorrow so experiment and avoid locking yourself into big commitments. Try before you buy. Rent instead of own. Borrow when possible and purchase used when not.
The road to happiness (and financial independence) won't be a completely straight line, and you may make some mistakes along the way, but when you focus on lasting happiness and you align your spending with that overarching goal, you'll at least be confident that you're on the right trajectory.

By Taboola


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