- 7 best pieces of ad
In August, Brandon - a former software developer who doesn't use his last name online for privacy reasons - achieved financial independence and retired at age 34. Today, he writes about money and his own financial journey on his blog the Mad Fientist. Here are his seven best pieces of money advice.
1. Figure out what makes you happy
The first and most important thing you need to do is figure out what is truly important to you and what makes you happy.
This is actually a lot harder than it sounds.
So many people spend money on things that don't add to their happiness and most don't even know they're doing it because they're caught up following the same life script as everyone else.
You don't have to buy a new house just because that's what all your friends are doing, and you don't have to get a fancy new car to impress your colleagues.
You have the power to do anything you want with your life, so don't live someone else's dream. Instead, figure out the life you want to have and then save and spend accordingly.
When I realized that money could buy my freedom - freedom from the 9-to-5, freedom from alarm clocks, freedom from wasting my time on my boss's ridiculous requests - I diverted all of my money toward that goal.
I didn't miss the things I was "giving up" to save for financial independence because my freedom was more important than anything else I could buy.
2. Focus on what you can control
Rather than stress about what's happening in the economy or attempt to predict what the stock market is going to do, instead focus on the things that are within your control and optimize those things.
Investment fees can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars over your investing lifetime, so minimize those fees by investing in low-cost index funds.
Reduce risk and volatility by simply buying all the stocks in the market via a total stock market index fund like Vanguard's VTSAX.
Minimize your taxes (and thus increase the amount you can invest) by taking advantage of tax-advantaged accounts like 401(k)s, IRAs, and HSAs and by using other legal tax-avoidance strategies.
3. Automate everything
Once you've created a simple portfolio of low-cost, diversified index funds and are taking advantage of all the tax-advantaged accounts available to you, set up automated monthly investments and then ignore your portfolio completely.
Humans are terrible investors, so if you can take your brain and emotions out of it, you'll not only be less stressed during the inevitable market drops but you'll also end up with a lot more money.
4. Stop consuming; start creating
Consuming provides temporary happiness but creating provides lasting happiness.
It's easy to come home from work and consume four hours of television, but it's much harder to do something creative like write a blog post, make some jewelry, or practice a musical instrument. Creating is more rewarding than consuming though and can even result in additional income.
When you're on your deathbed, you're not going to look back with pride at the number of hours of Facebook surfing you did or the number of episodes of "Real Housewives" you watched, but you will feel proud of the things you created and put out into the world.
5. Throw your TV out the window
Speaking of your TV, throw it out the window. Or better yet, sell it on Craigslist.
When advertisers constantly bombard you with things you "need to have," you become less happy with what you do have and are more likely to spend money (on things that won't make you any happier).
When news reporters show you all the gruesome things happening, all in 4K-super-realistic HD, you become more fearful and less willing to get out and explore the world that is now more accessible than ever.
Don't melt into a puddle of fear and unhappiness on your couch and instead go actually live life.
6. Travel to other countries
Thanks to the advertisers mentioned above, Americans perception of what is "normal" is so ridiculously skewed that it usually takes traveling outside of the US to recalibrate yourself.
If you're struggling with your spending and feel like you need more shiny things to be happy, travel to pretty much anywhere else in the world, and you'll start to appreciate the ridiculous luxury you take for granted.
7. Experiment
Finally, experiment with your spending.
As I mentioned at the beginning, it's really hard to figure out what makes you happy.
The things that add to your happiness today may not tomorrow so experiment and avoid locking yourself into big commitments. Try before you buy. Rent instead of own. Borrow when possible and purchase used when not.
The road to happiness (and financial independence) won't be a completely straight line, and you may make some mistakes along the way, but when you focus on lasting happiness and you align your spending with that overarching goal, you'll at least be confident that you're on the right trajectory.
SEE ALSO: A man who retired at 34 shares a spreadsheet that helped him get there
DON'T MISS: A man who retired at 34 explains one bad savings habit that everyone should avoid
By Taboola
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