WHO are you? (Find Yourself)
One of the greatest things a man can do in his lifetime is to know his purpose in life and fulfilling it.
Find who you are by;
1. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses.
2. Know your passion, know what you are good at doing.
3. Understand and accept your environment.
4. Assess your relationships how they can help you.
5. Know your temperament (your nature and how it affects your behavior).
6. Know your qualities, the good and the bad.
7. What are the things you enjoy doing and be sure you can be consistent with doing them.
8. Understand your background and the chances you have and what you can change to position yourself for greatness.
HAT do you Have? (Talent vs Skill)
Talent: You have the unique ability that God has given you that sets you apart from the majority of people. This could be General intelligence, Creativity, Artistic abilities, Sporting abilities, etc.
You do not need to put in too much efforts to excel in areas that you have talent but working hard at improving these talents will further give you that cutting edge above the others.
Skills on the other hand is the ability to do something well with expertise. Skills are capabilities that can be learnt and developed. If you want to be good at anything, all you have to do is develop an interest in it and work very hard at improving yourself on that particular thing.
Identify your talents by;
1. Assessing yourself (what you enjoy doing/ or see yourself doing very well with little or no effort)
2. Try different things.
3. Know your best qualities and how it relates to what you can do and be the best at it.
What you lack in talent, you can develop as a skill. You really do not have an excuse not to be able to make your dreams come true. How much work are you willing to put into making it happen?
WHERE are you going?
Knowing who you are and what you have is good but knowing where you are going is great. What you want to achieve and how to go about it is one of the biggest challenges we face as humans and that concept can be challenging to understand. Make a decision today and be affirmative about it. Focus your energy on your goals.
How can you achieve your goals?
1. Write your goals down, divide it into Career or personal development, health, spiritual, financial, etc.)
2. As often as you can, read them out loud to yourself.
3. Know what you need to do to be able to achieve your goals.
4. Track your performance be consistent.
5. Aim high but start low.
6. Celebrate your little wins.
WHEN will you get there?
Setting a goal is quite easy but achieving it is one of the biggest tests we face as humans. Have a plan and fix a time to it. Fixing your attention to your final destination will give you so much power and motivation. That is the fuel you need.
What you need to understand about your when are:
1. You are not late; you can start today.
2. You can have plans to achieve your goals in two years for example, you may not achieve it in two years, it doesn't mean you should stop, keep pushing. In fact, sometimes you might ended up achieving your goals earlier than the set time.
3. You will encounter challenges and setbacks, learn from the mistakes but do not stop.
4. Have a plan and follow through on the plan, along the line, you will learn lessons that will help you redirect your focus or change some principles, ensure that the goal remains the same or redefine in some better ways.
5. Do not forget that you need God. Let God guide you through the process. The confidence you can get from this is unmeasurable.
The bonus W that forces you to make a decision on the other Ws is your WHY.
Rather than explain what your WHY is, I will leave you to ponder on this quote by Mark Twain. “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out WHY.”
Moses Adeniji composed this at the event of Success Breath Monthly Seminar, March 2021
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