Inspire. Motivate. Encourage. Win N1,000,000

Are you talented in public speaking? Then prove your worth and stand a chance to win N1,000,000, N500,000, and N300,000 in the first, second, and third-person categories at BENZIMA CONSULTING PUBLIC SPEAKING COMPETITION 2021.




This Public Speaking Competition offers young Nigerians a unique opportunity to exercise and showcase their abilities and to share ideas on important local, national, and even global issues.

Public speaking is a critical skill of a leader who can motivate people toward positive change. This competition requires a special kind of public speaking and this challenges participant to express their creative ideas in a clear and captivating manner.

It provides a platform for young people to showcase their public speaking skills and allow them to learn from fellow contestants; to explore and apply their nonverbal and verbal communication competencies to persuade, inform, inspire and/or entertain the audience; to exercise discipline and focus to craft a speech and impress the professional judges within a time limit.


Encourage our young participants to explore and take up public speaking while honing their skills on a nationwide platform.  


Foster a growing community of young public speakers, from beginners to experienced speakers, in a conducive and interactive environment for shared learning

Showcase and celebrate the varied talents of all the contestants, especially in engaging in skills-exchange within the community

Challenge the young speakers to think critically, coherently, and creatively through impromptu speeches

To hone the critical thinking skills of contestants as they discuss and analyze different topics; to observe elements for effective speech and think fast on their feet for coherent delivery.  


The guideline/eligibility requirements for contestants for this Public Speaking Competition are:

Registration - Each contestant must be registered and filled the form with the organizers before the stipulated deadline: 1st November 2021.

Age/Nationality - Contestants must be within the age group of 20-40 and must be of good standing (Citizen of Nigeria).

Original - Contestants must not plagiarise speeches from print media or selected website(s). Their speeches should be substantially original. Any quoted material should be stated in the speech or given prior notice to the organizers

Speech Duration - The contestants shall speak for a minimum of five (5) minutes and a maximum of seven (7) minutes. A contestant is disqualified if he/she speaks for less than five (5) or more than seven (7) minutes.

Language/Dress - The contestants should use the English language and must be in business attire during the competition.

Venue (Online/Physical) - A good network connection is required because the program is holding online on ZOOM LIVE streaming on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram while the Grand Finale will be holding at our physical facilities at Magodo Phase 2 Lagos.

Audition - There will be a first-round for all the candidates who are selected from the registration round. All the participants that proceed to the semi-finals will move to the semi-finals contest

Semi-final - During the semi-final our panel of professional adjudicators will select 8 out of 12 semi-finalists to advance into the Final round which will be held at our physical facilities at Magodo Phase 2 Lagos.

Grand Finale - Our panel of professional adjudicators will select the Champion, 1st and 2nd Runners-Up, and 3rd position for the Competition. The Champion will be crowned the Champion of Public Speaking

 The Prize  - #1,000,000, #500,000, and #300,000 in the first, second, third, and person categories at BENZIMA CONSULTING PUBLIC SPEAKING COMPETITION 2021.

 Other Benefits - Mentoring, Coaching, Training, and connection to professional speakers.

 Social Media - Every contestant and sponsor must subscribe to our YouTube channel and Facebook Page.


Application - 1st Sept – 31st of October 2021

Review & Selection - 6th of November 2021

Audition - 13th and 20th of November 2021

Finalist Selection - 27th of November 2021

Grand Finale Event – 4th of December 2021


Competitors were evaluated on the following components: Contestants shall be rated from 1 (poor) to 5 (superior) in the different categories below:

Content and Organization

Development, does the speech have a well-established opening, body, and conclusion? Is it arranged logically in such a way that the message can be understood well by the audience?

1. Topic and specific focus would be appropriated for the audience 

2. Clear organization followed consistently throughout the speech.

3. Speech consistently used evidence that was appropriate for the topic (e.g., narrative, statistics) and was cited as appropriate.

4. Language use must be appropriate (e.g., avoided jargon) and suited to the occasion.

5. Logical connections should be clearly made between ideas within the speech.


The Speaker’s use of vocal qualities (volume, pitch, emphasis) will enhance the presentation.

Nonverbal behaviors (gestures and eye contact) enhanced the presentation.

The speaker should be fluent (e.g., avoided fillers such as “um”) and conversational.


What is the context and purpose of the speech? Does the speaker accomplish the purpose? Does the speaker consider the audience and occasion?


Does the speaker’s message have substance? Are the ideas original and thought-provoking so as to stimulate the listener’s thinking as well as stir their emotions?


Are the words clearly spoken and audible enough to be heard by the audience? Do the pitch and rate vary? Does the voice show appropriate emotions intended for the message?


Appropriateness: Are the words appropriate for the occasion? Can the message be understood well by the audience?


Does the speaker have the facility of the English language? Does the speaker use correct grammar, diction, pronunciation, and enunciation?


The contestants will be judged by three (3) adjudicators/judges based on the criteria provided above. Deliberation among the judges must be done in case of a tie. The chair shall deliver the verdict of the said panel to the Chairman of the public speaking competition. The decision of the judges is final and irrevocable. 


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